Lead Dialogues that Will Transform Your Workplace

Discover the 8 Keys to Sustained Success

Interaction & Influencing Skills Series - Quest #2

Attention those looking to make collaboration a strategic capability in their workplace!


If collaboration is key differential that can change both your personal standing and your workplace culture, then we need to find a practical way to build the depth of expertise for our enterprises to understand it and deploy it effectively.

That's the basis of this Collaboration Mastery Quest where we do a deeper dive into the human science and principles that both guide and drive effective forms of collaboration, starting with individual exchanges through to broad-based engagement strategies.

For those familiar with our Conversation Intelligence quest, this will be a deeper dive into our very own EN-GA-GE framework and the 8 principles that underpin it. Taking each of the 8 principles in turn, we will orient you to the things that matter most when it comes to your collaborative endeavors, and in so doing, will give you the insights into a system that can build your strategic capability!

By the time you have progressed through our Missions, you will be in a position to step back and reflect on how well these principles are understood in your enterprise, and what needs to be done to strengthen their application based on your requirements and preferences.

Please note this Quest is only accessible through an Access Code. Please contact us to receive this.

Chris is an experienced consultant and management coach, and the owner & developer of the Connected Leadership framework and development system.

Chris brings some three decades of experience in workforce behaviour, organisation reform, leadership, and industrial relations, and remains passionate about the power that collaboration can bring to your workplace and to the managers who lead them.

Chris' work in executive and front line management coaching and development is reinforced with current accreditations (eg DISC; MLQ Full Range Leadership) and certifications in Neuroscience (from Neuro Leadership Institute) .

Quest Curriculum

  • 10 Levels
  • Coaching By Chris
  • Community Support
  • Level 01

    Getting Started

    Start your Quest with a quick reminder as to the distinct characteristics observed in collaborative exchanges, a quiz to help you spot the differences, and a personal reflection that helps you discover how your personal perspectives align with the 8 principles that will guide your development.

  • Level 02

    Motivation Principle

    Explore the business case considerations that attach to collaboration, and how they manifest for the individuals (both conversation lead and participants) and the enterprise. Consider how these considerations apply to you personally and to your desired workplace culture.

  • Level 03

    Activation Principle

    Explore the role collaboration plays to bolster your everyday decision routines. Examine how to signal your intent to collaborate and to maintain participants attention on the most viable collaboration opportunity.

  • Level 04

    Process Principle

    Consider the benefits to be derived from making collaboration accessible to all by way of a transparent process that has universal application across workplace scenarios, and includes real-time KPIs that leaders can use to maintain quality exchange throughout.

  • Level 05

    Creativity Principle

    Explore the mechanics through which collaboration embraces and works with difference, and how it opens up the possibility for greater levels of commitment and creativity to potential outcomes or solutions that cannot be matched by other modes of interaction.

  • Level 06

    Accountability Principle

    Consider your accountability as decision-maker to maintain the integrity in your collaborative efforts. Consider how to anticipate and respond to resistance and how to adapt a facilitation stance and protocols to keep participants sufficiently engaged as co-contributors to productive outcomes.

  • Level 07

    Efficiency Principle

    Consider the benefit that comes from targeting your exchanges based on perceived complexity and anticipated needs/concerns. Take advantage of our aids to fast-track your preparations and leverage the experiences of others (via use of benchmarks) in your daily routines.

  • Level 08

    Sponsorship Principle

    Explore the role that organisation settings play in promoting particular patterns of interaction and how effective sponsorship for collaboration can be delivered through fit-for-purpose accountability and incentive frameworks and people management systems

  • Level 09

    Development Principle

    Explore how the 8 principles manifest in practical ways through the core set of collaboration skills and disciplines that need to be mastered. Take control of your ongoing journey as you consider a development path that will see you progress from NEW > DEVELOPING > EXPERIENCED practitioner status

  • Level 10

    Final Reflections

    Revisit and confirm your understanding of the 8 principles and their importance in nurturing a strategic capability in collaboration.. Take stock of the insights you have gained through this Quest and ideas to enhance the experience for future learners.

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