Connected Leadership Courses
DEMO: Connected Leaders -Starter Quest
Coaching By Chris
Community Support
3 Levels
We offer this Starter Quest as a "real world" preview for anyone looking to sponsor or embark on a Connected Leadership journey.
Through it you will get to understand the philosophy & principles, experience the learning journey, and reflect on your personal motivations and development opportunities.
Best of all it will prepare you to take the next step in your leadership itinerary!
My Leadership Passport
Coaching By Chris
Community Support
6 Levels
Personal Leadership Series - Quest #2
Attention those looking to build their Personal Reputation & Influence!
Managers who aspire to be genuine leaders and influencers must look beyond their technical know-how or positional authority towards presenting as a person others can admire.
That's why we consider this quest to be your passport to claim to be a leader. It's where we introduce you to the signature attributes all managers should look to exhibit, as an important adjunct to what they do, that will enhance their reputation for being a great leader and their grow their personal capacity to be more influential.
To put it another way, having the title and/or requisite capabilities doesn’t mean you necessarily have the relational standing to be truly influential, and it is here where the TRAC attributes we introduce you to will prove invaluable regardless of whether you are an aspiring, emerging or experienced leader.
Please note this Quest is only accessible through an Access Code. Please contact us to receive this.
Conversation Intelligence
Coaching By Chris
Community Support
6 Levels
Interaction & Influencing Skills Series - Quest #1
Attention those looking to refresh and reinvent how we connect, engage, and align with others!
Every interaction we have is both an opportunity and a risk, for it is in these very moments where we create impressions, and often strong and lasting memories, for those present.
It is here where our Conversation Intelligence Quest works to build your capacity to create a strong positive impressions and memories that will be critical in growing your personal influence one conversation at a time. Conversation Intelligence means you have both the capability and confidence to connect with others in both a personal and meaningful way, and regardless of whether the topic is considered a good or bad news story.
Our Conversation Intelligence Quest works as it responds to the fact that we humans typically have challenges communicating and interpreting messages, dealing with the emotions, and trusting those who are communicating with us, how the information is being conveyed, and whether our interests/needs are being adequately considered through the exchange.
Our guidance is more than just a collection of engagement skills and techniques; best to think of it as facilitating the development of a common language and approach that will equip you and your peers to work together to deliver immediate breakthroughs and advance your cultural ambitions.
Please note this Quest is only accessible through an Access Code. Please contact us to receive this.
Collaboration Mastery
Coaching By Chris
Community Support
10 Levels
Interaction & Influencing Skills Series - Quest #2
Attention those looking to make collaboration a strategic capability in their workplace!
If collaboration is key differential that can change both your personal standing and your workplace culture, then we need to find a practical way to build the depth of expertise for our enterprises to understand it and deploy it effectively.
That's the basis of this Collaboration Mastery Quest where we do a deeper dive into the human science and principles that both guide and drive effective forms of collaboration, starting with individual exchanges through to broad-based engagement strategies.
For those familiar with our Conversation Intelligence quest, this will be a deeper dive into our very own EN-GA-GE framework and the 8 principles that underpin it. Taking each of the 8 principles in turn, we will orient you to the things that matter most when it comes to your collaborative endeavors, and in so doing, will give you the insights into a system that can build your strategic capability!
By the time you have progressed through our Missions, you will be in a position to step back and reflect on how well these principles are understood in your enterprise, and what needs to be done to strengthen their application based on your requirements and preferences.
Please note this Quest is only accessible through an Access Code. Please contact us to receive this.
Working to Team Compacts
Coaching By Chris
Community Support
4 Levels
Team Connect Series - Quest #1
Attention those looking to maintain a focus on teamwork and collaboration as your team looks to grow and evolve
Teams and team-based work has been a feature in enterprises around the world for some time but still present very real leadership challenges; for example we well know that:
- an employee's experience or engagement will be heavily influenced by the relationships they enjoy/experience with their fellow team members
- team dynamics require constant attention and can become dysfunctional quickly if left unchecked
- If teams are allowed to stagnate or regress, they will begin to infect and infiltrate the culture in detrimental ways.
Enter our Working to Team Compacts quest which offers guidance on a core set of disciplines that leaders can deploy with their teams to keep their teams intact and on-track towards more mature forms of high performance.
Please note this Quest is only accessible through an Access Code. Please contact us to receive this.
Team Leader Essentials
Coaching By Chris
Community Support
7 Levels
Team Connect Series - Quest #2
Attention those looking for proven disciplines that will ensure they have immediate presences and day-to-day impact as a leader!
Welcome to this our essentials program for managers of all experience who want to a stable foundation from which to influence and impact others.
We do this by highlighting the most common pitfalls confronting managers everywhere and providing guidance on disciplines and techniques that will enable them avoid these traps and be effective in what they do as leaders.
We are confident participants will see immediate relevance and value in the disciplines they need to adopt and will also be better placed to continue to develop and promote these as part of their continued leadership journey.
Enjoy the discovery!
Please note this Quest is only accessible through an Access Code. Please contact us to receive this.
Coaching Foundations
Coaching By Chris
Community Support
4 Levels
Manager As Coach Series - Quest #1
Attention those looking to set the foundations for influencing others through coaching!
This journey is designed for those managers who want to get the best coaching foundations in place.
Learn about the practicalities of positioning yourself as a coach, listening with real purpose, and asking artful questions all within the construct of your manager- employee relationships.
Move past the skills and techniques alone, and delve into the science of optimizing your ongoing learning as coach and ensuring your coachees have the know-how to build the right habits that stick and work for them.
Please note this Quest is only accessible through an Access Code. Please contact us to receive this.
Coaching Teams
Coaching By Chris
Community Support
6 Levels
Manager As Coach Series - Quest #2
Attention those looking to grow the capacity and leadership potential of others!
Coaching is the management practice that assists others identify and remove any interference that limits them performing to their potential.
Performed well and consistently over time, it is coaching that results in progressive development (empowerment) of the individual coachee or team. and that is the basis of this Coach Practitioners quest.
Specifically, we will look to explore the foundations and techniques in and around coaching that enables learning and change to occur and specifically:
- how a coach balances the dichotomy between trust and tension
- how the coach adapts their stance to specific coaching scenarios whilst drawing on some core techniques to build others' commitment to change, and
- holds themselves and coaching counterpart to their commitments
Please note this Quest is only accessible through an Access Code. Please contact us to receive this.